As far back as I can remember, I have been trying to learn more about the God that I heard about at home and church.

Who was God? What was God really like? What did it mean to have a “personal relationship” with God? Answering these questions became a compelling quest.

Magnifying glass with "God" as focus on black background

In my late twenties, I ran across an article in which the author experienced God in some humdrum and ordinary places, which completely transformed my thinking on the subject. It made me realize that “finding” or understanding God isn’t a single, once-and-done experience, but an ongoing lifelong journey. I have been seeking God out in my daily life ever since.

In the last 30 years, I have developed a strategy that I call “GOD FINDS” which has transformed my God Image, my faith journey, my relationship with others and my approach to the gift of new life each day. It has truly been life-changing for me, and as I began sharing it with counseling patients and workshop participants, I saw the process open up and expand their experience with this amazing and multi-faceted God as well.

This blog is meant to give you a glimpse into my effort to seek out and recognize the ever-present God in my life—and moreover, to respond. Some pieces may seem trite or obvious, while others are unbelievable, but that is the nature of this sneaky God who never fails to surprise and humble me!

In reading my personal stories and reflections, I hope it will inspire you to look for the “GOD FINDS” in your own life and develop a dynamic, evolving relationship with our loving creator. Based on the pace at which most of us move today, this can be quite challenging. However, there is a direct correlation between how challenging it is for us to do and the potential it holds for us.

I’m interested in your responses and will attempt to read all of them even if I am unable to respond to them all individually. Bon Voyage as you embark on this exciting journey of discovery!

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